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05 May 2020
How to Configure Hue to authenticate with Apache Knox SSO on a Secure Cluster
Hello, Hue administrators, The Apache Knox™ Gateway is an Application Gateway for interacting with the REST APIs and UIs of Apache Hadoop deployments. Hue supports KnoxSpnegoDjango since Hue4.6, we can turn on Hue’s KnoxSpnegoDjango auth by updating Hue configurations through CM UI or hue.ini. On any cluster with Knox service installed, update hue.ini as following and restart Hue: [desktop] [[auth]] backend=desktop.auth.backend.KnoxSpnegoDjangoBackend [[knox]] knox_principal=knox knox_proxyhosts=weixia-1.domain.site,weixia-2.domain.site Or on any CM managed cluster, Hue can be configured with KnoxSpnegoDjango backend through CM UI: Fill knox_proxyhosts field with accurate knox proxy hostname, you can get the hosts by navigating to Clusters->KNOX, and click on ‘Instances’ tab: For Knox HA cluster, you can fill in all the hosts by clicking on “+” icon: Click ‘Save Changes’, you will see a warning about role missing kerberos keytab.…
2 minutes read - Version 430 April 2020
SQL Editor for Apache Impala
Impala SQL Apache Impala is a fast SQL engine for your data warehouse. Want to give it a quick try in 3 minutes? Here is how! Starting Impala First make sure your have docker installed in your system. Then, based on the great tutorial of Apache Kudu (which we will cover next, but in the meantime the Kudu Quickstart is worth a look), just execute: docker run -d --name kudu-impala -p 21000:21000 -p 21050:21050 -p 25000:25000 -p 25010:25010 -p 25020:25020 --memory=4096m apache/kudu:impala-latest impala Afterwards, docker ps should show:…
2 minutes read - Version 4 / Impala27 April 2020
SQL Editor for Apache Spark SQL with Livy
Spark SQL Update December 2020 Executing Spark SQL via the Spark Thrift Server Spark SQL is convenient for embedding clean data querying logic within your Spark apps. Hue brings an Editor so that it is easier to develop your SQL snippets. As detailed in the documentation, Spark SQL comes with different connectors. Here we will just show with Livy. Apache Livy provides a bridge to a running Spark interpreter so that SQL, pyspark and scala snippets can be executed interactively.…
1 minute read - Version 4 / Spark SQL10 April 2020
Hue 4.7 and its improvements are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.7! The focus of this release was to keep building on top of 4.6, modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major features of Hue 5. Some highlights: Top blue button has been converted to a menu in the left side Birthday time: its was the 10 years of Hue!…
3 minutes read - Version 4 / Release07 April 2020
Admin improvements coming in 4.7!
Hi SQL crunchers, The upcoming 4.7 release brings a series of improvements to make the life of the admin better. Here is a selection: All the server properties are listed on the admin page as well as the location of the config page. This is a lot of parameters and sections! Now those can be spot light search via a filter. The delete flow of a user now disables instead of deleting (to avoid losing the saved documents and queries).…
1 minute read - Version 401 April 2020
Hue Active Users Metric Improvements
To understand the performance of Hue, we want to know how many active users in Hue–and more specifically–how many on each host. An active user is who sends requests from his/her browser to the Hue server in the last one hour. Recently, Hue got some improvements for providing and displaying better metrics. On premise, Hue is using PyFormance implements /desktop/metrics endpoint. Cloudera Manager collects data via the endpoint and displays the metric “Active Users” in the Charts Library, but all hosts show the same number of active users.…
2 minutes read - Version 4 / Development01 April 2020
Set Up Prometheus Server without Kubernetes
To taste Hue prometheus metrics, you may set up a Prometheus server to scrape the metrics endpoint /metrics on a Hue server (which may not need to run in docker or Kubernetes). Here is the set up example on Ubuntu 16.4. Prerequisites: a Hue server running at localhost:8000. Create a service user $ sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false prometheus `` Create a directory in /etc for Prometheus’ configuration files and a directory in /var/lib for its data…
2 minutes read - Version 411 March 2020
Automatically checking documentation and website dead links with Continuous Integration
Hi Data Crunchers, Continuous integration and automation are investment that enable a major scaling in the resource and quality of software projects. This past year saw a lot of improvements with an integrated commit flow and adding series of checks like linting of JavaScript, also running Python 3 tests automatically… This also create a virtuous circle that encourages developers to add more tests on their own (e.g. +200 since the beginning of this year), as all the plumbing is already done for them.…
1 minute read - Version 404 March 2020
A better collaborative Data Warehouse Experience with SQL query sharing via links or gists
Hi Data Crunchers, For the past 10 years, Hue's SQL Editor has been targeting the SQL Data Warehouse Experience. It recently got better support for typing SQL queries by showing column keys. The latest improvement is about better collaboration. Via the document sharing capabilities and query parameterization, Hue allows teams to build their own query bank of knowledge. To complement this, something quicker and easier is now also available: Public link & Gist sharing.…
2 minutes read - Version 427 February 2020
Re-using the JavaScript SQL Parser
SQL autocompletion The parser is running on the client side and comes with just a few megabytes of JavaScript that are then cached by the browser. This provides a very reactive & rich experience to the end users and allows to import it as a module dependency. While the dynamic content like the list of tables, columns.. is obviously fetched via remote endpoints, all the SQL knowledge of the statements is available.…
3 minutes read - Version 4 / Development