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23 January 2023
Hue 4.11 and its new dialects and features are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue team is glad to release Hue 4.11. Thanks to all the contributors! Note: Hue 4.11 is the last release to support Python 2.7. New releases will be based on Python 3.8 and higher. Here's a summary of what's new in Hue 4.11: Ability to import and query Iceberg tables from Hue Apache Iceberg is a high-performance table format and extends multifunction analytics to a petabyte scale for multi-cloud and hybrid use cases.…
3 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Release10 June 2021
Hue 4.10 and its new SQL Editor component, REST API, small File Importer and Slack App are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.10! Here is a summary of the main improvements of 4.10 on top of the previous 4.9 release: SQL Editor Component & API Now build your own SQL Editor in three HTML line by leveraging the SQL Scratchpad component. The first version of the public REST API for executing queries was also published.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Release02 February 2021
Hue 4.9 and its new SQL dialects and components are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.9! This release brings all these improvements on top of 4.8. 4.9 brings several improvements on top of the previous release. Several blog posts already detailed some of them, but here is a general summary. First, the support of many SQL dialects has been improved, with in particular Apache Phoenix, Dask SQL, Apache Flink SQL.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.9 / Release23 September 2020
Hue 4.8 and its improvements are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.8! This release brings all these improvements on top of 4.7: SQL Editor Initial support of Apache Flink, Phoenix, SparkSql SQL dialects Parser refactoring to make Apache Calcite grammar improvements easier Entity Relationship Diagram of SQL tables with Foreigh Keys as links to other tables Improved collaboration with Query sharing and SQL Gist API New components framework to make pieces clean and reusable ERD Diagram of SQL tables Parser: Reuse the JavaScript module to tokenize SQL queries REST API: invoke actions like ‘Execute SQL query’, ‘List or download files on S3’ How to login with Apache Knox in a secure cluster Development Docker / Kubernetes / Grafana config were refreshed Continuous Integration: Python lint, commit messages checks, JavaScript licenses Onboarding experience simplified Preview Editor v2, Connectors, Python 3 are in beta It has more than 600+ commits and 200+ bug fixes!…
2 minutes read - Version 4 / Release10 April 2020
Hue 4.7 and its improvements are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.7! The focus of this release was to keep building on top of 4.6, modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major features of Hue 5. Some highlights: Top blue button has been converted to a menu in the left side Birthday time: its was the 10 years of Hue!…
3 minutes read - Version 4 / Release05 December 2019
Hue 4.6 and its improvements are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.6! The focus of this release was to keep building on top of 4.5 and modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major upcoming features of Hue 5. In particular now: Python 3 support can be tested There is a new version of gethue.com and the content of docs.gethue.com was revamped The new version of the Editor with multi execution contexts and more robustness is 66% done Build your own or improve SQL parsers with highlighter This release comes with 650+ commits and 100+ bug fixes!…
3 minutes read - Version 4 / Release12 August 2019
Hue 4.5 and its improvements are out!
Hi SQL Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.5! The focus of this release was to modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major upcoming features. This release comes with 660 commits and 150+ bug fixes! For all the changes, check out the release notes. They are several ways to give it a spin! Tarball or source From Docker Hub docker pull gethue/4.…
1 minute read - Version 4 / Release28 March 2019
Hue 4.4 and its improvements are out!
Hi Big Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.4! The focus of this release was to improve the self service SQL troubleshooting and stability. This release comes with 450 commits and 80+ bug fixes! For all the changes, check out the release notes. Go grab the tarball or source, and give it a spin! And for a quick try, ‘docker pull gethue/4.…
3 minutes read - Version 4 / Release17 October 2018
Hue 4.3 and its Analytics and Django improvements are out!
Hi Big Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.3! The focus of this release was a big refresh to upgrade Django to 1.11, the latest Python 2.7 compatible version at the time. It contains a log of improvements for the SQL Editor variables and catalog, as well as for the Dashboarding. It also prepares the ground for multi cluster support (HUE-8330) and building data apps more easily.…
2 minutes read - Version 4 / Release04 April 2018
Hue 4.2 and its Self Service BI improvements are out!
Hi Big Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.2! Last Hue version compatible with Python 2.6, next will be 2.7 only as a major upgrade is coming next. The focus of this release was to keep making progress on the self service BI theme and prepare the ground for next release that will include an upgraded backend and a revamped Dashboard and more improvements to the Data Catalog and Query Assistance.…
2 minutes read - Version 4 / Release