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31 December 2020
A Spark SQL Editor via Hue and the Spark SQL Server
Write and Execute some Spark SQL quickly in your own Web Editor. Initially published on https://medium.com/data-querying/a-sparksql-editor-via-hue-and-the-spark-sql-server-f82e72bbdfc7 Apache Spark is popular for wrangling/preparing data, especially when embedding some SQL snippets to keep the data manipulation programs declarative and simpler. One good news is that the SQL syntax is very similar to Apache Hive so the very powerful Hive autocomplete of Hue works very well. Here we will describe how to integrate with the Spark SQL Thrift Server interface that might be already available in your stack.…
3 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Spark SQL15 September 2020
SQL Querying Improvements: Phoenix, Flink, SparkSql, ERD Table...
Hi Data Crunchers, Are you looking at executing your SQL queries more easily? Here is a series of various querying improvements coming in the next release of Hue! New Databases Hue is getting a more polished experience with Apache Phoenix, Apacke Flink SQL and Apache Spark SQL (via Apache Livy). Apache Phoenix Apache Phoenix makes it easy to query the Apache HBase database via SQL. Now the integration is fully working out of the box and several corner cases (e.…
4 minutes read - Version 4 / Phoenix / Flink SQL / ksqlDB / Spark SQL27 April 2020
SQL Editor for Apache Spark SQL with Livy
Spark SQL Update December 2020 Executing Spark SQL via the Spark Thrift Server Spark SQL is convenient for embedding clean data querying logic within your Spark apps. Hue brings an Editor so that it is easier to develop your SQL snippets. As detailed in the documentation, Spark SQL comes with different connectors. Here we will just show with Livy. Apache Livy provides a bridge to a running Spark interpreter so that SQL, pyspark and scala snippets can be executed interactively.…
1 minute read - Version 4 / Spark SQL