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13 August 2021
Object/File Storage public REST API
Leveraging more REST API into your own project: list, upload, download… data files. This post comes with a live tutorial of the file listing API. The Hue SQL Editor project has been evolving for more than 10 years and allows you to query any Database or Data Warehouse. Like previously described in the SQL Editor API post, all the end user functionalities and under the cover grunt work of integration can be simply reused programmatically (freeing up time to let you focus on the data work itself instead).…
5 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development / Browsing10 August 2021
Open In Importer and Copy Path Options in Filebrowser
We simplify object storage and DW integration. Now you can create a table from filebrowser, just select a file and click the “Open in Importer” option and also you can copy the path of a file by clicking the “Copy Path” option in fileborwser. If you want to create a table then you can use either “Open in Importer” option or Importer directly but if you want a table from your SQL then just copy the path of a file as described above and use it in the editor.…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query26 July 2021
Create SQL tables on the fly with zero clicks
Last month, we introduced creating a table from the local file using importer. Previously, creating a new table required you to set up a storage account such as HDFS, S3, or ADLS to upload data. The list of SQL dialects was also restrictive, with no support for Apache Phoenix. Now, creating a table is even easier. Just drag and drop a CSV file on the table listing, and Hue automatically creates a SQL table for you!…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query30 June 2021
Azure Storage sharing by leveraging SAS tokens so that your users don’t need credentials
Example tutorial on how to use the the Azure storage REST API with Shared Access Signatures. We previously covered a similar methodology for providing access to S3 data without giving out actual credentials via some S3 signed URLs. This time we will explore it on Azure, the Cloud data platform from Microsoft. “Trying to” keep things simple for the end users The main use case for us is still to provide a platform agnostic File Browser for the Hue users to allow self service data querying.…
4 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development10 June 2021
Hue 4.10 and its new SQL Editor component, REST API, small File Importer and Slack App are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.10! Here is a summary of the main improvements of 4.10 on top of the previous 4.9 release: SQL Editor Component & API Now build your own SQL Editor in three HTML line by leveraging the SQL Scratchpad component. The first version of the public REST API for executing queries was also published.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Release29 May 2021
Build your own SQL Editor (BYOE) in 5 minutes via Sql Scratchpad component and public REST API.
Leveraging the new Hue’s SQL Scratchpad Web Component and REST API into your own project. The Hue SQL Editor project has been evolving for more than 10 years and allows you to query any Database or Data Warehouse. Segmenting the overall project into fully decoupled components is one reason it could rapidly evolve and still be alive after so long. The already popular SQL Parser component is now joined by the SQL Scratchpad component.…
3 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Development / Query26 May 2021
Improved Hue Importer -- Select a file, choose a dialect, create a table
If you’ve ever struggled with configuring Hue to allow your users to create new SQL tables from CSV files on their own in the public Cloud, you’ll be happy to learn that this is now much easier. If you're a pro Hue user, then you might be familiar with the Hue Importer. It lets you create tables from a file. Until now, the file had to be available on HDFS or cloud object storage, such as S3 or ABFS.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Development / Query18 May 2021
Installing Hue Slack App in 3 Simple Steps!
Ever wondered about having a SQL Assistant which can help you to collaborate better with other SQL users in your team? That too in Slack itself!? This Slack Integration for Hue can fit those shoes for assisting you with your SQL queries in your Slack channels. Easy to use and now even easy to install for Slack workspace admins in just 3 simple steps! Kudos to Slack for recently rolling out its App Manifest beta feature for Slack Apps!…
2 minutes read - Version 4.1023 April 2021
Provide your users proper S3 file access without giving them any credential keys
Using AWS S3 Signed URLs to list buckets, keys and manage files. SQL querying opens up your data and helps users take decisions backed by hard facts. However, what if the data they need is not present already in the Data Warehouse? In order to provide a more self service experience, they could bring their own data to query or join, then export and share the query results files etc.…
4 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Development19 April 2021
Distribute your container App as a Package
Create and publish a Helm chart of your Kubernetes application. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes and makes it simple to publish your app so that people can install it in three lines. For example with the Hue SQL Editor: helm repo add gethue https://helm.gethue.com helm repo update helm install hue gethue/hue 3-step process of packaging In the Helm world, chart is synonym of the traditional packages or modules of the Python or JavaScript world.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Development