Articles & News

22 August 2013

Y! HUG August 2013, Hue: the Hadoop UI

Y! HUG August 2013, Hue: the Hadoop UI Hue: the Hadoop UI with tutorials. Session II: Hue: the UI for Apache Hadoop Hue is an open source, Web-based interface that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use. Hue’s target is the Hadoop user experience and lets users focus on quick data processing. Hue is a mature Web project that integrates into a single UI the Hadoop components and their main satellite projects.…

2 minutes read -

19 August 2013

Hive UDF in 1 minute!

Apache Hive comes with a lot of built-in UDFs, but what happens when you need a “special one”? This post is about how to get started with a custom Hive UDF from compilation to execution in no time.    Let’s go! Our goal is to create a UDF that transforms its input to upper case. All the code is available in our public repository of Hadoop examples and tutorials.…

2 minutes read -

13 August 2013

How to create example tables in HBase

Hue brings another new app for making Apache Hadoop easier to use: HBase Browser. Apache HBase is the main keyvalue datastore for Hadoop. This post is the first episode describing the new user experience brought by the app. We will start by describing how to create some sample tables with various HBase schemas. To help getting started with HBase, Hue now comes directly with theses examples! Just got to Hue on the /about/ page and on Step 2 click on HBase and Hue will install them for you:…

4 minutes read -

09 August 2013

High Availability of Hue

Note: as of January 2015 in Hue master or CDH5.4, this post is deprecated by Automatic High Availability with Hue and Cloudera Manager.   Very few projects within the Hadoop umbrella have as much end user visibility as Hue. Thus, it is useful to add a degree of fault tolerance to deployments. This blog post describes how to achieve a higher level of availability (HA) by placing several Hue instances behind a load balancer.…

4 minutes read -

29 July 2013

How to access Hive in Pig with HCatalog in Hue

This blog post is about accessing the Hive Metastore from Hue, the open source Hadoop UI and clearing up some confusion about HCatalog usage. What is HCatalog? Apache HCatalog is a project enabling non-Hive scripts to access Hive tables. You can then directly load tables with Pig or MapReduce without having to worry about re-defining the input schemas, caring about the data location or duplicating it.  Hue comes with an application for accessing the Hive metastore within your browser: Metastore Browser.…

3 minutes read -

16 July 2013

Hue 2.5 and its HBase app is out!

Hi Petabytes Crunchers, The Hue team is pleased to bring you Hue 2.5, available as a tarball{.trackLink} release or as a ‘hue’ package in CDH nightly.   Please see the release notes for more information and the documentation.   Hue 2.5 brings a new app for HBase and more than 80 commits. The HBase Browser application is tailored for quickly browsing huge tables and accessing any content. You can also create new tables, add data, modify existing cells and filter data with the auto-completing search bar.…

1 minute read - Release

12 June 2013

Search Hadoop in Hue

This post talks about Hue, a UI for making Apache Hadoop easier to use. Coming in Hue 2.4, on top of more than 150 fixes a new app was added: Search. You can now search Hadoop like you do with Google or Yahoo!. In addition a wizard lets you tweak the result snippets and tailors the search experience to your needs. Here is a video demoing the querying and the results customization.…

2 minutes read -

11 June 2013

Hue 2.4 is released!

Hi Elephant Lovers,   The Hue team is pleased to bring you Hue 2.4.0, available for download as a tarball here.   Hue 2.4.0 has a large number of fixes and usability improvements (291 commits) and comes with a new Search app. This new app integrates with Solr, Solr Cloud and Cloudera Search and lets you customize search results and facets.   The new Search app is detailed in this blog post and video.…

1 minute read - Release

28 May 2013

Apache Pig Editor in Hue 2.3

In the previous installment of the demo series about Hue — the open source Web UI that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use — you learned how to analyze data with Hue using Apache Hive via Hue’s Beeswax and Catalog applications. In this installment, we’ll focus on using the new editor for Apache Pig in Hue 2.3. Complementing the editors for Hive and Cloudera Impala, the Pig editor provides a great starting point for exploration and real-time interaction with Hadoop.…

2 minutes read -

22 May 2013

A new UI for Oozie

Apache Oozie is a great tool for building workflows of Hadoop jobs and scheduling them repeatedly. However, the user experience could be improved. In particular, all the job management happens on the command line and the default UI is readonly and requires a non-Apache licensed javascript library that makes it even more difficult to use. Current Oozie UI New Oozie UI  Here is a short video demo: The UI just sits on top of Oozie like the current Oozie UI.…

2 minutes read - Release

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Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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