Articles & News

13 May 2013

Single sign-on in Hue with Twitter and OAuth

This post talks aboutHue, an open source web-based interface that makesApache Hadoop easier to use. Hue’s target is the Hadoop user experience and lets users focus on big data processing. In the previous posts we focused on some [new features][1] and how to quickly analyze your [data][2] with the Hive editor. This time, we are going to follow-up on Hue authentication mechanisms. We previously described a [list of backends][3] like LDAP, AllowAll (improved recently in the latest [2.…

4 minutes read - Development

07 May 2013

Executing Hive or Impala Queries with Python

This post talks about Hue, aUI for making Apache Hadoop easier to use. Hue uses a various set of interfaces for communicating with the Hadoop components. This post describes how Hue is implementing the Apache HiveServer2 Thrift API for executing Hive queries and listing tables. The same interface can also be used for talking to Cloudera Impala.   Hive This code requires Hue 2.3 or later in order to successfully work.…

4 minutes read - Development

16 April 2013

What’s New in Hue 2.3

We’re very happy to announce the 2.3 release of Hue, the open source Web UI that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use. Hue 2.3 comes only two months after 2.2 but contains more than 100 improvements and fixes. In particular, two new apps were added (including an Apache Pig editor) and the query editors are now easier to use. Here’s a video demoing the major changes: Here’s the new features list:…

1 minute read - Release

15 April 2013

Hue 2.3.0 – Apr 15th, 2013

Pig App: new application for editing and running Pig scripts with UDF and parameters Catalog App: new application for managing databases, viewing table schemas and sampling of content Oozie Bundles are now supported SQL highlighting and autocompletion for Hive / Impala apps Multi query and query section execution Job Designer was totally restyled and now support all the Oozie actions Oracle (11.2) databases are now supported Hue works best with Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) version 4.…

1 minute read - Release

27 March 2013

Kick-off of how to improve the Hadoop User Experience meetups

Hue meetup: what’s new in hue and road map from Romain Rigaux From the first Hue meetup.

1 minute read -

11 March 2013

Analyzing Data with Hue and Hive

In the first installment of the demo series about Hue — the open source Web UI that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use — you learned how file operations are simplified via the File Browser application. In this installment, we’ll focus on analyzing data with Hue, using Apache Hive via Hue’s Beeswax and Catalog applications (based on Hue 2.3 and later). The Yelp Dataset Challenge provides a good use case.…

4 minutes read -

01 March 2013

Demo: HDFS File Operations Made Easy with Hue

Managing and viewing data in HDFS is an important part of Big Data analytics. Hue, the open source web-based interface that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use, helps you do that through a GUI in your browser — instead of logging into a Hadoop gateway host with a terminal program and using the command line. The first episode in a new series of Hue demos, the video below demonstrates how to get up and running quickly with HDFS file operations via Hue’s File Browser application.…

1 minute read -

25 February 2013

Hue 2.2.0 – Feb 25th, 2013

The Oozie application has been restyled completely and now supports Ajax refreshes A Cloudera Impala app was added Beeswax/Hive editor is more user friendly FileBrowser was restyled and now includes bulk and recursive operations (e.g. multiple deletes) JobBrowser is compatible with YARN and job logs can be accessed in one click UserAdmin was restyled and LDAP integration was improved MySql MyISAM and PostgreSQL are officially supported Hue works best with Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) version 4.…

1 minute read - Release

15 February 2013

A closer look at hue: how to interface with Hadoop

A closer look at hue: how to interface with Hadoop from Romain Rigaux Description about various ways to interface with Hadoop (Thrift, REST, JT plugins…) and how to build a Oozie workflow Drag & Drop editor.

1 minute read -

15 February 2013

What’s new in Hue 2.2

This post is about the new release of Hue, an open source web-based interface that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use, that’s included in CDH4.2. Hue lets you interact with Hadoop services from within your browser without having to go to a command-line interface. It features a file browser for HDFS, an Apache Oozie Application for creating workflows of data processing jobs, a job designer/browser for MapReduce, Apache Hive and Cloudera Impala query editors, a Shell, and a collection of Hadoop APIs.…

4 minutes read -

More recent stories

26 June 2024
Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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03 May 2023
Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser
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