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21 May 2014
Team retreat in the Caribbean: Curacao!
Bon dia! A lot happened in the Hue project since the last Thai episode: it was time to have the team fly in a new paradisiac destination and catalyst its imagination! Terminus Curacao: the past corsair island, now iguana territory and country! As usual, the island atmosphere and its beach villa fully fit the team. The warm and blue water, the local food, countless fishes and a scorching sun were not strange to a sudden kick of inspiration.…
1 minute read -20 May 2014
Visualize Snappy compressed Avro files
You can now view Snappy compressed Avro files in Hue through the File Browser! Here is a quick guide on how to get setup with Snappy and Avro. Tutorial Installation Make sure Hue is stopped before installing. Install the snappy system packages on your system. They can either be downloaded from https://code.google.com/p/snappy/ or, preferably, installed via your package management system (e.g. yum install snappy-devel). Install the python-snappy package via ‘pip’ from the Hue home (cd /usr/lib/hue or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hue):…
2 minutes read -19 May 2014
Impala HA: how to distribute Impala query load
Hue provides an interface for Impala, the next generation SQL engine for Hadoop. In order to offer even more performances, Hue can distribute the query load across all of the Impala workers. Tutorial This tutorial demonstrates how to setup Hue to query multiple Impalads (Impala daemons): Configuring Hue 3.6 on one node in a 4 node RedHat 6 cluster to work with multiple Impalads. Load balance the connections to impalad using HAProxy 1.…
3 minutes read -25 April 2014
Cloudera Enterprise 5.7 brings a faster and prettier SQL in Hue
Cloudera Enterprise 5.7 brings a lot of changes (more than 1500) to HUE (the Web interface for querying and browsing data). The emphasize on performances and security continues from 5.5 as well as the improvement of the SQL user experience. New Hive Metastore interface The app is now single page and offers speed and more accessible statistics and data preview. See more of the improvements below or take a look at the following video demo.…
3 minutes read -23 April 2014
Israel Hadoop Meetup: HBase Browser
Hadoop Israel - HBase Browser in Hue from gethue Israel Hadoop Meetup April 23rd 2014
1 minute read -17 April 2014
How to create a real Hadoop cluster in 10 minutes?
Last update February 2nd 2017 We recently launched demo.gethue.com, which in one click lets you try out a real Hadoop cluster. We followed the exact same process as building a production ready cluster. Here is how we did it. Before getting started, you will need to get your hands on some machines. Hadoop runs on commodity hardware, so any regular computer with a major linux distribution will work. To follow along with the demo, take a look at Amazon Cloud Computing service.…
3 minutes read -17 April 2014
Yahoo! Hadoop Meetup – Integrate Hue with your Hadoop cluster
This talk describes how Hue can be integrated with existing Hadoop deployments with minimal changes/disturbances. Romain covers details on how Hue can leverage the existing authentication system and security model of your company. He also covers the Hive/Shark/Pig/Oozie best practice setup for Hue. http://www.meetup.com/hadoop/events/125191612/
1 minute read -10 April 2014
Singapore Hadoop Meetup
Hue: The Hadoop UI, Singapore Hadoop Meetup from gethue Hue Meetup
1 minute read -07 April 2014
See how beautiful Hadoop can be, live demo Hadoop directly from your Browser!
Hi Data Crunchers, demo.gethue.com offers a live demo of a complete Hadoop cluster (CDH5)! No need to download a virtual machine or install any software, just click once! The interface is based on Hue and its pre-packaged sets of examples: Search Impala SQL HBase More is available, like HDFS, Hive SQL and Hive Tables, Oozie, Pig, YARN MR2, Sqoop2, Spark and ZooKeeper. We are using AWS for the hosting and Cloudera Manager to install the latest CDH5 release.…
1 minute read -04 April 2014
Interactive SQL on Hadoop is now easier: New Impala and Hive Editors
The Impala and Hive applications have a new face! In addition to new features, their interfaces in Hue have been redesigned and re-implemented as single page apps. Now: Switching between pages is over Results are asynchronously fetched Results are graphed Moreover, the table metadata are now directly accessible from the navigator tab and a smarter auto-completion. Here is a demo of a typical query execution: As usual feel free to comment on thehue-user list or@gethue!…
1 minute read -