Articles & News

11 September 2019

Collecting and querying Hue logs with Fluentd in Kubernetes

Hue is getting easy to run with its Docker container and Kubernetes Helm package. Then when the service is up, let’s see how we can retrieve and analyse the logs. Fluentd is a log management system that is heavily used in the Kubernetes world. Here we will leverage the Microk8s distribution that bundles it.  First we install the fluentd add-on: microk8s.enable fluentd And see that the Elastic Search, Fluentd and Kibana UI are running:…

2 minutes read - Version 4

12 August 2019

Hue 4.5 and its improvements are out!

Hi SQL Data Explorers,  The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.5! The focus of this release was to modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major upcoming features. This release comes with 660 commits and 150+ bug fixes! For all the changes, check out the release notes. They are several ways to give it a spin! Tarball or source From Docker Hub docker pull gethue/4.…

1 minute read - Version 4 / Release

09 August 2019

Built-in Hive language reference in the SQL Editor

Similarly to the Apache Impala dialect, the Editor now provides a direct access to Hive documentation in the right panel. It is also still possible to right click on an instruction to get more details about it. We hope that it makes your SQL querying even more productive!   Any feedback or question? Feel free to comment here or on the Forum or @gethue and quick start SQL querying!…

1 minute read - Version 4

07 August 2019

SQL querying Apache HBase with Apache Phoenix

Apache Phoenix is a great addon to extent SQL on top of Apache HBase, the non relational distributed data store. On top of the HBase Browser, now the Editor provides a more common syntax for querying the data. Note that being a key/value store, the SQL can have different idioms, and the Editor interface still requires some polishing to fully support all the SQL UX capabilities of Hue. In this post about Phoenix, let's follow Phoenix's 15-minute tutorial then query the US_POPULATION table via the Editor:…

2 minutes read - Version 4 / Version 4

07 August 2019

SQL querying Apache HBase with Apache Phoenix

Apache Phoenix is a great addon to extent SQL on top of Apache HBase, the non relational distributed data store. On top of the HBase Browser, now the Editor provides a more common syntax for querying the data. Note that being a key/value store, the SQL can have different idioms, and the Editor interface still requires some polishing to fully support all the SQL UX capabilities of Hue. In this post about Phoenix, let's follow Phoenix's 15-minute tutorial then query the US_POPULATION table via the Editor:…

2 minutes read - Version 4 / Version 4

26 July 2019

Hue in Kubernetes

Note This post has been replaced by a more recent Howto. Let’s see how to automate the deployment further and run this into a container orchestration like Kubernetes.  We previously documented the Hue Docker image that provides the latest Hue web server into a “box”. Hue ships with a Helm chart to make it really easy to get started. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. More advanced, directly use the yaml config files.…

1 minute read - Version 4

24 July 2019

Quick Start a Hue development environment in 3 minutes with Docker

Looking at simplifying the usage of Databases and Datawarehouses or learning how to build Cloud webapps? Hue would be a great candidate for you! Typically the development is made natively but here is a new way to quickly get started with Docker: git clone cd hue cp desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini.tmpl desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini Then edit the [[database]] section to specify a proper database, here MySql: host= # Not localhost if Docker engine=mysql user=hue password=hue name=huedb Then map the local Hue source code into the running container (so that local edits are seen in the running Hue):…

1 minute read - Version 4

19 July 2019

BYOA – Build Your Own Autocompleter

Hue is a SQL Editor integrating with the most common data warehouses and databases. Getting specialized autocomplete for each language brings better code maintainability (force a decoupled design), speed (no need to load all the parsers for only one language) and obviously a nicer end user experience (Impala, Hive, PostgreSQL… always have slight different syntax). In Hue we use generated parsers to handle autocomplete and syntax checking in the editors. In this post we’ll guide you through the steps necessary to create an autocompleter for any SQL dialect in Hue.…

8 minutes read - Version 4 / Development

20 June 2019

Realtime catalog search with Hue and Apache Atlas

With the latest Hue (future 4.5 release), we are glad to announce that Hue integrates with Apache Atlas as backend to enable SQL users for real time data catalog searching. Previously Hue’s catalog was powered by Cloudera Navigator only, but now the API is generic and could potentially support other Catalog services too. The nice end user experience for finding content to query can be transparently re-used. With this first integration, Hue lists properties of entities like classifications and provides real time search among thousands of possible tables or databases:…

2 minutes read - Version 4

12 June 2019

Improving the developer productivity with some Continuous Integration

Tooling and automation has been simplified dramatically with technologies like Docker and the Cloud. On top of this, continuous integration companies like Circle CI and Travis CI have added one more layer of simplicity. Background Hue‘s scope has been pretty wide (ranging from SQL parsers to CSS to scheduling jobs or querying any type of databases…) and the increase of external contributions has made the previous Development process outdated. It was becoming frequent to brake the master branch with errors or not making easy for developer to contribute by asking to manual run the test suite.…

4 minutes read - Version 4

More recent stories

26 June 2024
Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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03 May 2023
Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser
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