Articles & News

02 February 2021

Hue 4.9 and its new SQL dialects and components are out!

Hi Data Explorers, The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.9!  This release brings all these improvements on top of 4.8. 4.9 brings several improvements on top of the previous release. Several blog posts already detailed some of them, but here is a general summary. First, the support of many SQL dialects has been improved, with in particular Apache Phoenix, Dask SQL, Apache Flink SQL.…

2 minutes read - Version 4.9 / Release

10 January 2021

SQL Querying a log stream and outputting Calculations to another stream

Initially published on Log analysis tutorial from an Apache Kafka data stream via Flink SQL, ksqlDB & Hue Editor. Real time queries on streams on data is a modern way to perform powerful analyses as demoed in the previous post. This time we will see a more personalized scenario by querying our own logs generated in the Web Query Editor. First, thank you to the community for all the improvements on the open source projects mentioned below, with in particular Flink Version 1.…

3 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Flink SQL / ksqlDB

31 December 2020

A Spark SQL Editor via Hue and the Spark SQL Server

Write and Execute some Spark SQL quickly in your own Web Editor. Initially published on Apache Spark is popular for wrangling/preparing data, especially when embedding some SQL snippets to keep the data manipulation programs declarative and simpler. One good news is that the SQL syntax is very similar to Apache Hive so the very powerful Hive autocomplete of Hue works very well. Here we will describe how to integrate with the Spark SQL Thrift Server interface that might be already available in your stack.…

3 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Spark SQL

17 November 2020

Easy Querying of live Kafka data in a Big Table like HBase with Phoenix SQL

Phoenix brings SQL to HBase and let you query Kafka data streams Initially published on Apache HBase is a massive key value database in the Big Table family. It excels in random read/write and is distributed. The Hue Query Assistant is a versatile SQL compose Web application with a goal of making database querying easy and ubiquitous within organizations. In this post we will demo the recent integration of Apache Phoenix which provides a SQL interfacing layer to HBase, hence making it easy to query.…

4 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Phoenix

20 October 2020

Tutorial on querying live streams of data with Flink SQL

Real time data querying is becoming a modern standard. Who wants to wait until the next day or week when needing to take decision now? Apache Flink SQL is an engine now offering SQL on bounded/unbounded streams of data. The streams can come from various sources and here we picked the popular Apache Kafka. This tutorial is based on the great Flink SQL demo Building an End-to-End Streaming Application but focuses on the end user querying experience.…

4 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Flink SQL

20 October 2020

Tutorial on querying live streams of data with ksql (Kafka SQL)

Real time data querying is becoming a modern standard. Who wants to wait until the next day or week when needing to take decision now? The stream of data comes from an Apache Kafka topic which can be queried via ksqlDB. Components To keep things simple, all the pieces have been put together in a “one-click” Docker Compose project which contains: ksqlDB from the ksqlDB quickstart A Hue Editor already configured with the ksqlDB Editor One-line setup For fetching the configurations and starting everything:…

3 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / ksqlDB

30 September 2020

Quick checking Hue's SQL Editor connections to Databases in Kubernetes

Let's see one way to quickly check why Hue can't connect to a SQL Database in the Kubernetes world. We previously documented how to run Hue in Kubernetes or Docker. The concept is to use the Database specific command shell on the command line to try to send some queries. Apache Hive is the Data Warehouse used as example (but this would work the same with psql, mysql, …) or any other Database Hue can connect to.…

2 minutes read - Version 4.9 / Hive

More recent stories

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Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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03 May 2023
Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser
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