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23 January 2023
Hue 4.11 and its new dialects and features are out!
Hi Data Explorers, The Hue team is glad to release Hue 4.11. Thanks to all the contributors! Note: Hue 4.11 is the last release to support Python 2.7. New releases will be based on Python 3.8 and higher. Here's a summary of what's new in Hue 4.11: Ability to import and query Iceberg tables from Hue Apache Iceberg is a high-performance table format and extends multifunction analytics to a petabyte scale for multi-cloud and hybrid use cases.…
3 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Release11 October 2022
Creating Iceberg tables in Hue
Overview of Iceberg Apache Iceberg is a high-performance format for huge analytic tables. Iceberg brings the reliability and simplicity of SQL tables to big data, while making it possible for engines like Spark, Trino, Flink, Presto, Hive and Impala to safely work with the same tables, at the same time. Hue supports various dialects such as Hive, Impala, SparkSQL, Phoenix, and so on. In the past year, Hue importer has been upgraded with new features and improvements.…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Query01 February 2022
HPL/SQL Support
HPL/SQL is an Apache open source procedural extension for SQL for Hive users. It has its own grammar. It is included with Apache Hive from version 2.0. HPL/SQL is a hybrid and heterogeneous language that understands syntaxes and semantics of almost any existing procedural SQL dialect, and you can use it with any database. For example, you can run existing Oracle PL/SQL code on Apache Hive and Microsoft SQL Server, or Transact-SQL code on Oracle, Cloudera Impala, or Amazon Redshift.…
2 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query15 November 2021
Create SQL tables from excel files
If you are a Hue user then you might be familiar with the Hue Importer. It lets you create tables from a CSV file. Now you can also create SQL tables by importing Excel files into Hue. We have 2 options for file import Direct Importer Note: Supports (.xlsx) excel file type only. Remote Importer Note: Python2 based Hue does not support remote excel file importer. You can try this feature in the latest Hue version or at demo.…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query21 September 2021
Access your data in ABFS without any credential keys!
Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) to manage files and its operations Previously, we talked about providing S3 data access without giving out actual credentials via S3 signed URLs. This time, this feature is coming for another major cloud provider in the market, Microsoft Azure! This main use case remains the same which is to keep things simple for the end users and walk one more step on the path towards unlocking true self-service querying.…
3 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development / Browsing14 September 2021
SSO for REST APIs with your custom JWT authentication
Leveraging Hue as an API Service The Hue SQL Editor allows you to query any Database or Data Warehouse. Initially Hue had private APIs which could be used by the Hue UI only (because they could've changed, auth cookie based, lot of historical parameters etc). For example, if anyone had set up their own Hue instance, then it was very difficult for any other external services to use the APIs which Hue provides.…
3 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development17 August 2021
Create Phoenix tables in Just 2 steps
Hue started supporting Phoenix dialect in Hue in August 2019, in the meantime, if you’ve ever struggled with creating Phoenix tables from CSV files, you’ll be happy to learn that this is now much easier. Now, you can create a Phoenix table in just 2 steps. Choose a file Load the data and choose a primary key You can try this feature in the latest Hue version or at demo.…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Query13 August 2021
Object/File Storage public REST API
Leveraging more REST API into your own project: list, upload, download… data files. This post comes with a live tutorial of the file listing API. The Hue SQL Editor project has been evolving for more than 10 years and allows you to query any Database or Data Warehouse. Like previously described in the SQL Editor API post, all the end user functionalities and under the cover grunt work of integration can be simply reused programmatically (freeing up time to let you focus on the data work itself instead).…
5 minutes read - Version 4.11 / Development / Browsing10 August 2021
Open In Importer and Copy Path Options in Filebrowser
We simplify object storage and DW integration. Now you can create a table from filebrowser, just select a file and click the “Open in Importer” option and also you can copy the path of a file by clicking the “Copy Path” option in fileborwser. If you want to create a table then you can use either “Open in Importer” option or Importer directly but if you want a table from your SQL then just copy the path of a file as described above and use it in the editor.…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query26 July 2021
Create SQL tables on the fly with zero clicks
Last month, we introduced creating a table from the local file using importer. Previously, creating a new table required you to set up a storage account such as HDFS, S3, or ADLS to upload data. The list of SQL dialects was also restrictive, with no support for Apache Phoenix. Now, creating a table is even easier. Just drag and drop a CSV file on the table listing, and Hue automatically creates a SQL table for you!…
1 minute read - Version 4.11 / Development / Query