Hue 4.11 and its new dialects and features are out!

Published on 23 January 2023 in Version 4.11 / Release - 3 minutes read - Last modified on 25 January 2023

Hi Data Explorers,

The Hue team is glad to release Hue 4.11. Thanks to all the contributors!


Note: Hue 4.11 is the last release to support Python 2.7. New releases will be based on Python 3.8 and higher.

Here's a summary of what's new in Hue 4.11:

Ability to import and query Iceberg tables from Hue

Apache Iceberg is a high-performance table format and extends multifunction analytics to a petabyte scale for multi-cloud and hybrid use cases. You can now create an Iceberg table using the Hue Importer.

We've also updated the autocomplete and syntax checker for Hive and Impala to support the latest Iceberg syntax when you write queries.

For more information, see Creating Iceberg tables in Hue.

Iceberg-Hue integration.

SparkSQL improvements

Hue leverages Apache Livy 3 to support Spark SQL queries in Hue on the Apache Spark 3 engine. Booting a new Livy session was slow, and took around 30-45s. Hue now caches the session details per user for a faster query experience. Caching session details also helps in autocompleting databases, tables, and column names, improving the search experience.

Hue automatically cleans up unused Livy sessions.

Hue has a dedicated autocomplete and syntax checker for Spark SQL. Hue supports all Spark SQL statement types, up-to-date with version 3.3.1.

We've also integrated the UDF library for Spark SQL in the autocomplete code, as well as in the right assist panel. The inline help includes all built-in functions of Spark SQL 3.3.1.

functioning SparkSQL query editor

Added support for HPL/SQL

HPL/SQL is an Apache open source procedural extension for SQL for Hive users. It has its own grammar. It is included with Apache Hive from version 2.0.

You can enable the HPL/SQL dialect by adding the following lines in the desktop/conf/hue.ini configuration file:


Read more about the HPL/SQL Support.


Improvements to the tech stack and tooling

This release of Hue has 650+ commits and 100+ bug fixes. For a complete list, see the release notes.

Go grab it and give it a spin!

  • Docker
    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 gethue/4.11.0
  • Kubernetes :
    helm repo add gethue
    helm repo update
    helm install hue gethue/hue
  • Tarball or source

Any feedback or question? Feel free to comment here or on the Forum and quick start SQL querying!


Ayush from the Hue Team

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