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08 July 2015
Analizziamo i dati BikeShare della Bay Area con Solr Search e Spark Notebook!
In questo tutorial usiamo i dati pubblici di Bay Area BikeShare per visualizzare i pattern dei viaggi in bicicletta e degli utenti, cosi’ da capire come la Bay Area si muove sulle due ruote. Hue shippa (scusate l'inglesismo) una Search Dashboard dinamica cosi’ come il nuovo Spark Notebook che utilizzeremo per arricchire i dati. Raccomandiamo di partire con il dataset di http://www.bayareabikeshare.com/datachallenge ma per i piu’ impazienti abbiamo caricato un estratto dei dati pronto per essere indicizzato.…
1 minute read -08 July 2015
Analyse des données des “Velib” de San Francisco avec Solr Search et un Spark Notebook
Dans ce tutoriel, nous utilisons les données publiques de Bay Area BikeShare afin de visualiser les déplacements en vélo des utilisateurs et ainsi mieux comprendre l'utilisation de la plate-forme. Nous utiliserons Hue qui fournit un tableau de bord dynamique pour chercher ainsi que son nouveau Spark Notebook pour enrichir les données. Nous vous recommandons de commencer avec le jeu de données http://www.bayareabikeshare.com/datachallenge mais pour les gens impatients, nous fournir un sous-ensemble des voyages prêts à être indexées ainsi que les données météorologiques à traiter plus tard avec Spark.…
1 minute read -07 July 2015
Bay Area BikeShare Data Analysis with Search and Spark Notebook
In this tutorial, we use public data from Bay Area BikeShare and visualize bike trips patterns and their users to understand more the usage of the platform. Hue provides a Dynamic Search dashboard as well as the new Spark Notebook for enriching the data. We recommend to start with the Trip dataset from http://www.bayareabikeshare.com/datachallenge and index it into Solr. For impatient people, we provide a subset of trips ready to be indexed as well as the weather data to be processed later with Spark.…
1 minute read - Tutorial29 June 2015
Big Data Day LA: Solr Search with Spark for Big Data Analytics in Action with Hue
Solr Search with Spark for Big Data Analytics in Action with Hue - Big Data Day LA 2015 Apache Solr makes it so easy to interactively visualize and explore your data. Create a dashboard, add some facets, select some values, cross it with the time and just look at the results. Apache Spark is the growing framework for performing streaming computations, which makes it ideal for real time indexing. Solr also comes with new Analytics Facets which are a major weapon added to the arsenal of the data explorer.…
1 minute read -15 June 2015
Install Hue 3 on Pivotal HD 3.0
This post was originally published on Install Hue 3 with Pivotal HD 3.0 by Christian Tzolov of @Pivotal. Latest Hadoop distributions from Pivotal (PHD3.0) and Hortonworks (HDP2.2) come with support for Hue 2.6. Unfortunately Hue 2.6 is quite old and does not provide any RDBMS UI. The RDBMS view is useful for Pivotal as it allows friendly web interface for running adhoc HAWQ SQL queries. This feature is demoed here: Below I will show how to install latest Hue 3.…
7 minutes read -12 June 2015
Hadoop Summit San Jose 2015 – Interactively Query and Search your Big Data
Interactively Query and Search your big data - Hadoop Summit San Jose 2015 Open up your user base to the data! Almost everybody knows how to search. This talk describes through an interactive demo based on open source Hue how users can graphically search their data in Hadoop with Apache Solr. The session will detail how to get started with data indexing in just a few clicks and then explore several data analysis scenarios.…
1 minute read -21 May 2015
Build a Real Time Analytic dashboard with Solr Search and Spark Streaming
Search is a great way to interactively explore your data. The Search App is continuously improving and now comes with a better support for real time! In this video, we are collecting tweets with Spark Streaming and directly indexing them into Solr with the Spark Solr app. Note that we are using a slightly modified version that adds more tweet information. You can see the tweets rolling in!…
2 minutes read - Tutorial15 May 2015
Harness the power of Spark and Solr in Hue: Big Data Amsterdam v.2.0 meeetup
Harness the power of Spark and Solr in Hue: Big Data Amsterdam v.2.0 meetup Presented by Enrico Berti Enrico Berti of @cloudera is up next, talking about using Hue with Solr and Spark! #bigdataamsterdam pic.twitter.com/1Ef6hl1zN0 — Dataconomy (@DataconomyMedia) May 13, 2015 Harness the power of Spark and Solr in Hue: Big Data Amsterdam v.2.0 from gethue
1 minute read -04 May 2015
Team retreat in Israel
Hello / Shalom! Where was the team? After the Philippines and a 3.8 release, we settled to go in a new part of the world: the Middle East. There, quiet beaches, hummus and yogurt, a charming Tel Aviv, kitesurfing as well as a big bump on productivity were at the menu! Onwards!! Hue Team
1 minute read -24 April 2015
Hue 3.8 with an Oozie Editor revamp, better performances & improved Spark UI is out!
Edit: 3.8.1 was released May 4th 2015 and is now the default version Hi Big Data Munchers, The Hue Team is glad to release Hue 3.8 and its improved Oozie Editor and better performances! A new Spark REST Job Server with a Notebook UI are also appearing in a Beta version for all the eager Spark developers that would like to give it a try. A tarball is available as well as documentation and release notes.…
3 minutes read - Release