Big Data Day LA: Solr Search with Spark for Big Data Analytics in Action with Hue

Published on 29 June 2015 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Solr Search with Spark for Big Data Analytics in Action with Hue - Big Data Day LA 2015

Apache Solr makes it so easy to interactively visualize and explore your data. Create a dashboard, add some facets, select some values, cross it with the time and just look at the results. Apache Spark is the growing framework for performing streaming computations, which makes it ideal for real time indexing. Solr also comes with new Analytics Facets which are a major weapon added to the arsenal of the data explorer. They bring another dimension: calculations. We can now do the equivalent of SQL, just in a much simpler and faster way. These calculations can operate over buckets of data.


Data from Bay Area Bike.

Download a fraction of the data used in the live demo.

See the video demo of the Bike Weather Data and Tweet Streaming.



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