Hue 3.10 with its new SQL Editor is out!

Published on 12 May 2016 in Release - 4 minutes read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Hi Big Data Aficionados,


The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 3.10! 

The focus of this release was to prepared the core of a new SQL user experience and the performances. More than 2000 commits on top of 3.9 went in! Go grab the tarball release and give it a spin!


You can find below a detailed description of what happened. For all the changes, check out the release notes or the documentation.

An upcoming series of video tutorials with more details is also on the way!

SQL Editor

Read more about it here…

SQL Browser


  • Folder and directories
  • Share document for collaboration
  • Export and import documents

Read more about it here…



Security & Scalability


  • External Workflow Graph: This feature enables us to see the graph for workflows submitted form File-browser as well as the ones submitted from CLI.
  • Dryrun Oozie job: The dryrun option tests running a workflow/coordinator/bundle job with given properties and does not create the job.
  • Timezone improvements: All the times on the dashboard are now defaulted to browser timezone and submitting a coordinator/bundle no longer need UTC times.
  • Emailing automatically on failure: Each kill node now embeds an optional email action. Edit a kill node to insert a custom message if case it gets called.

Read more about it here…


Right click on a file or directory to access their disk space consumed, quotas and number of directories and files.



It was a pleasure to present at the Spark Summit, Solr SF and Big Data Scala:

Team Retreats



Next iteration (Hue 3.11, estimated for end of Q3) will focus on SQL improvements, job monitoring and Cloud integration.

Hue 4 design is also continuing, with the goal of becoming the equivalent of “Excel for Big Data”. A fresh new look, a unification of all the apps, wizards for ingesting data… will let you use the full platform (SQL, Search, Spark, Ingest) in a single UI for fast Big Data querying and prototyping!




As usual thank you to all the project contributors and for sending feedback and participating on the hue-user list or @gethue!


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