New SQL Editor

Published on 30 June 2016 in - 2 minutes read - Last modified on 06 March 2021 - Read in jp

Here is the new SQL Editor!

Hue now has a generic editor that supports any languages but currently focuses on SQL. It is a single page app that is much faster than before and simpler to use. Here is a list of some important functionalities and a video demo that show them in action:

  • No page reload when switching between queries
  • Live history of running and past queries
  • Enhanced support for Hive and Impala
  • Extendable to any programming language


  • Metadata Browsing
    • Support listing and filtering thousands of databases or tables
    • Quick links to table browsers
    • Statistics
  • Query edition
    • Smart autocomplete
    • Format a query, search and replace
    • Parameterization
    • Expanded view, fixed column/row headers, jump to a column..
    • Bar, pie, marker map, gradient map, scater plots charting
    • Links to jobs and logs
    • Solr SQL support
    • JDBC support (beta)
  • Result manipulation


We hope that this new editor makes you SQL on Hadoop even more productive! If you want to connect with other databases and engines, feel free to write a new connector or engage the community on the hue-user list. The next iteration in Hue 3.11 (~Q3 2016) will polish even more the user experience so any feedback (bug, feature..) is welcomed!


Grid result view


Result widget view

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