Hue 4.10 and its new SQL Editor component, REST API, small File Importer and Slack App are out!

Published on 10 June 2021 in Version 4.10 / Release - 2 minutes read - Read in jp

Hi Data Explorers,

The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.10!


Here is a summary of the main improvements of 4.10 on top of the previous 4.9 release:

SQL Editor Component & API

Now build your own SQL Editor in three HTML line by leveraging the SQL Scratchpad component. The first version of the public REST API for executing queries was also published.

Read more about the SQL Scratchpad and REST API.

Here is a live demo of how easy it is to add the component:

Adding the component in 3 lines and watching the interaction with the public API of demo.gethue.comAdding the component in 3 lines and watching the interaction with the public API of

Create Table Wizard

Create a Hive, Impala, MySql, Phoenix SQL table via a small file in three clicks. Just upload it via your browser, without the need to have any Storage filesystem like HDFS or S3 configured and follow the wizard.

Read more about the create table from a small file.

Importer direct upload steps

Slack App

Collaborate more via Slack thanks to the rich preview of SQL queries, auto links, query bank and export result to Slack.

Install the app in a few clicks and learn more about the functionalities of assistance.

Slack Installation Flow

Tech stack & Tooling

It has more than 700+ commits and 100+ bug fixes! For more details on all the changes, check out the release notes.

Go grab it and give it a spin!

  • Docker
    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 gethue/4.10.0
  • Kubernetes :
    helm repo add gethue
    helm repo update
    helm install hue gethue/hue
  • Tarball or source

Any feedback or question? Feel free to comment here or on the Forum and quick start SQL querying!


Romain from the Hue Team

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