Hue 3.9 with some general overall improvements is out!

Published on 24 August 2015 in Release - 4 minutes read - Last modified on 04 February 2020

Hi Big Data Aficionados,


The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 3.9! 

The focus of this release was to improve the experience everywhere (no new app were added) and the stability. More than 700 commits on top of 3.8 are in and some apps like the Notebook Editor and Spark Job Server got a serious lift! Go grab the tarball release and give it a spin!


You can find below a detailed description of what happened. For all the changes, check out the release notes or the documentation.



Explore San Francisco Bike share data with a dynamic visual dashboard

Build a real time Tweet dashboard with Search and Spark


Main improvements


Spark (beta)

  • Revamp of Notebook UI
  • Support for closing session and specifying Spark properties
  • Support for Spark 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
  • Impersonation with YARN
  • Support for R shell
  • Support for submitting jars or python apps

Learn more about the Notebook and the REST Spark Job Server Livy.



  • Live filtering when moving on the map
  • Refresh only widgets that changed, refresh every N seconds
  • Edit document
  • Link to original document
  • Export/import saved dashboards
  • Share dashboards
  • Save and reload the full query search definition
  • Fixed or rolling time window filtering
  • Marker clustering on Leaflet Map widget
  • Support 2-letter country code in gradient map widget
  • Full mode Player display
  • Simpler Mustache integration to enhance your result style
  • Big IDs support
  • Preview of nested analytics facets

Read more in this post...



  • Fix deadlock fetching Thrift clients and waiting for Thrift connections
  • New set of integrations tests
  • Add optional /desktop/debug/check_config JSON response
  • MariaDB support
  • Configuration check to confirm that MySql engine is InnoDB
  • Faster Home page
  • Series of Oracles and DB migration fixes





Read more in this post...





  • Upload binary into cells
  • Allow to empty a cell

Read more in this post...



  • Better support of URI scope privilege
  • Support COLUMN scope privilege for finer grain permissions on tables
  • Support HA
  • Easier navigation between sections
  • Support new sentry.hdfs.integration.path.prefixes hdfs-site.xml property



  • Directly upload configurations without requiring the solrctl command



  • Creation of a lib for easily pulling or editing ZooKeeper information



  • Support %default parameters in the submission popup
  • Do not show %declare parameters in the submission popup
  • Automatically generate hcat auth credentials



  • Support Kerberos authentication



It was a pleasure to present at Big Data Budapest Meetup, Big Data Amsterdam, Hadoop Summit San Jose and Big Data LA.


New distributions


Team Retreat

Hummus and yogurt were at the menu in Israel!




Next release (3.10) will focus on making the v1 of the Spark Notebook and adding simpler Solr indexing on top of the general improvements.

Hue 4 design is also getting kicked in with the goal of becoming the equivalent of “Excel for Big Data”. A fresh new look, a unification of all the apps, wizards for ingesting data… will let you use the full platform (Ingest, Spark, SQL, Search) in a single UI for fast Big Data querying and prototyping!




As usual thank you to all the project contributors and for sending feedback and participating on the hue-user list or @gethue!


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