Exporting and importing Oozie workflows directly from the UI

Published on 05 August 2015 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Until now Hue did not have a good way to backup or transfer workflows between servers. A command was added in Hue 3.8 but its usage was still advanced.

In Hue 3.9, the command is directly integrated in the UI.


Note that this export/import interface will be generic in Hue 4 and will support any document or script like Hive, Pig. In addition to exporting the Hue json document, sql or workflow.xml files will be included in the export.

Future improvements will make it easier to change the owner of the workflows without having to edit the json file manually.


So it is time to build even more workflows! Feel free to comment on the hue-user list or @gethue!

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