Hi Data Explorers,
The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.6!
The focus of this release was to keep building on top of 4.5 and modularize the tech stack, improve SQL integrations and prepare major upcoming features of Hue 5. In particular now:
- Python 3 support can be tested
- There is a new version of gethue.com and the content of docs.gethue.com was revamped
- The new version of the Editor with multi execution contexts and more robustness is 66% done
- Build your own or improve SQL parsers with highlighter
This release comes with 650+ commits and 100+ bug fixes! For all the changes, check out the release notes.
Go grab it and give it a spin!
- Docker
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 gethue/4.6.0
- Kubernetes :
helm repo add gethue https://helm.gethue.com helm repo update helm install hue gethue/hue
- demo.gethue.com
- Tarball or source

Here is a selection of the improvements:
- Apache Hive Tez improvements
- Apache Hive LLAP improvements
- Apache Atlas search and catalog information are builtin and pluggable
- Autocompletes
- Tutorial on how to improve/create a new SQL parser with Highlighter
- Skeletons of dedicated parsers for Apache Druid, Phoenix, Elastic Serch, Presto, KSQL, Calcite are present
- Primary Keys, Partition Keys icons showing in the assists
- SQL Query tracing
- Support of transactional tables in the importer/samples
- HUE-9055 INTEGER is introduced as a synonym for INT in 2.2
- The Sharing icons as well as sharing action are now showing-up in left assistant
- Copy result to Clipboard now properly keeps the table formatting
- 3 blog posts on how to get the basics for:
- Apache Knox and its IdBroker has been integrated
- Azure ADLS v2 / ABFS v1 has been integrated
- Google Storage connector has a skeleton HUE-8983 Handle S3 with ListAllMyBuckets denied
- Python 3: support is making progress and now can be beta tested.
CI branch, how to compile it and send feedback:export PYTHON_VER=python3.6 make apps
- Javascript testing switched to Jest and now supports headless
- docs.gethue.com has been revamped
- HUE-9023 [core] Logging HTTP requests code and size separately
- Oozie: Coordinator sync action was pushed
- Ko.js has been upgraded to the latest 3.5.1
- The erratic behaviour of the horizontal result scrollbar in the SQL Editor has been fixed
- LDAP sync command parameters fix
- Several Dashboard layout issues and IE 11 support fixes
- HUE-8727 Prevent chrome autofill in the assist documents
- HUE-8983 Handle s3 with ListAllMyBuckets denied
- Fix multi query statement with ‘INVALIDATE METADATA’
- Impala's GRANT & REVOKE syntax have been updated
- Now honoring the previous ‘USE database’ statement in multi query execution in the SQL editor
Any feedback or question? Feel free to comment here or on the Forum and quick start SQL querying!