Articles & News

05 April 2021

Interactively Querying HBase via SQL - Tech Talk

Grow your user base able to leverage data stored in HBase via SQL queries with Apache Phoenix and the Hue Web SQL Editor. April 1st 2021 (not a joke ;) we did a tech talk (nicely organized by the Apache Phoenix project) on the underlying technology enabling SQL queries on Apache HBase tables. See the slides: Executing Phoenix queries in Hue SQL Editor For people not familiar with HBase, imagine a giant big table specialized in storing and updating in real time any type of records.…

2 minutes read - Version 4.10 / Phoenix

17 November 2020

Easy Querying of live Kafka data in a Big Table like HBase with Phoenix SQL

Phoenix brings SQL to HBase and let you query Kafka data streams Initially published on Apache HBase is a massive key value database in the Big Table family. It excels in random read/write and is distributed. The Hue Query Assistant is a versatile SQL compose Web application with a goal of making database querying easy and ubiquitous within organizations. In this post we will demo the recent integration of Apache Phoenix which provides a SQL interfacing layer to HBase, hence making it easy to query.…

4 minutes read - Tutorial / Version 4.9 / Phoenix

15 September 2020

SQL Querying Improvements: Phoenix, Flink, SparkSql, ERD Table...

Hi Data Crunchers, Are you looking at executing your SQL queries more easily? Here is a series of various querying improvements coming in the next release of Hue! New Databases Hue is getting a more polished experience with Apache Phoenix, Apacke Flink SQL and Apache Spark SQL (via Apache Livy). Apache Phoenix Apache Phoenix makes it easy to query the Apache HBase database via SQL. Now the integration is fully working out of the box and several corner cases (e.…

4 minutes read - Version 4 / Phoenix / Flink SQL / ksqlDB / Spark SQL

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