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23 September 2013
Hue 3 and the new Sqoop and ZooKeeper apps are out!
Hi Big Data Surfers, The Hue team is pleased to bring you Hue 3.0, available as a tarball{.trackLink} release. Please see the release notes for more information and the documentation. Hue 3.0 brings a browser for ZooKeeper and 245 commits. The tech stack was upgraded and a new phase of redesign was performed in order to improve the UX. Notable Features Sqoop With the Sqoop 2 application data from databases can be easily exported or imported into HDFS in a scalable way.…
2 minutes read - Release16 July 2013
Hue 2.5 and its HBase app is out!
Hi Petabytes Crunchers, The Hue team is pleased to bring you Hue 2.5, available as a tarball{.trackLink} release or as a ‘hue’ package in CDH nightly. Please see the release notes for more information and the documentation. Hue 2.5 brings a new app for HBase and more than 80 commits. The HBase Browser application is tailored for quickly browsing huge tables and accessing any content. You can also create new tables, add data, modify existing cells and filter data with the auto-completing search bar.…
1 minute read - Release11 June 2013
Hue 2.4 is released!
Hi Elephant Lovers, The Hue team is pleased to bring you Hue 2.4.0, available for download as a tarball here. Hue 2.4.0 has a large number of fixes and usability improvements (291 commits) and comes with a new Search app. This new app integrates with Solr, Solr Cloud and Cloudera Search and lets you customize search results and facets. The new Search app is detailed in this blog post and video.…
1 minute read - Release22 May 2013
A new UI for Oozie
Apache Oozie is a great tool for building workflows of Hadoop jobs and scheduling them repeatedly. However, the user experience could be improved. In particular, all the job management happens on the command line and the default UI is readonly and requires a non-Apache licensed javascript library that makes it even more difficult to use. Current Oozie UI New Oozie UI Here is a short video demo: The UI just sits on top of Oozie like the current Oozie UI.…
2 minutes read - Release16 April 2013
What’s New in Hue 2.3
We’re very happy to announce the 2.3 release of Hue, the open source Web UI that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use. Hue 2.3 comes only two months after 2.2 but contains more than 100 improvements and fixes. In particular, two new apps were added (including an Apache Pig editor) and the query editors are now easier to use. Here’s a video demoing the major changes: Here’s the new features list:…
1 minute read - Release15 April 2013
Hue 2.3.0 – Apr 15th, 2013
Pig App: new application for editing and running Pig scripts with UDF and parameters Catalog App: new application for managing databases, viewing table schemas and sampling of content Oozie Bundles are now supported SQL highlighting and autocompletion for Hive / Impala apps Multi query and query section execution Job Designer was totally restyled and now support all the Oozie actions Oracle (11.2) databases are now supported Hue works best with Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) version 4.…
1 minute read - Release25 February 2013
Hue 2.2.0 – Feb 25th, 2013
The Oozie application has been restyled completely and now supports Ajax refreshes A Cloudera Impala app was added Beeswax/Hive editor is more user friendly FileBrowser was restyled and now includes bulk and recursive operations (e.g. multiple deletes) JobBrowser is compatible with YARN and job logs can be accessed in one click UserAdmin was restyled and LDAP integration was improved MySql MyISAM and PostgreSQL are officially supported Hue works best with Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) version 4.…
1 minute read - Release02 October 2012
Hue 2.1.0 – Oct 2nd, 2012
Hue now provides an Apache Oozie application for creating workflows of Apache MapReduce, Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Apache Sqoop, Java, Shell, Ssh and Streaming jobs and scheduling them repetitively. Hue is now available in German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Brazilian and simplified Chinese. Documentation Download tarball{.trackLink}
1 minute read - Release04 June 2012
Hue 2.0.1 – Jun 4th, 2012
Hue 2.0.1 is a major upgrade with many fixes and key new features. The frontend has been re-implemented, LDAP (OpenLDAP and Active Directory) and per-application authorization are supported, a Shell application was added. Documentation Download tarball{.trackLink}
1 minute read - Release21 February 2011
Hue 1.2.0 – Feb 21st, 2011
Hue 1.2.0 is a minor release, largely focused on bug fixes and compatibility with CDH3. Documentation Download tarball{.trackLink}
1 minute read - Release