Articles & News

19 February 2014

How to use the new file types icons with the Hue SDK or in standalone

Hue 3.5+ ships with two font icon sets: Font Awesome 4 ( and the Hue Filetypes font that includes some basic file types you might need. The icons are available in the Hue master or in this zip file: When you want to use the new icons in your app, you have first to import the Hue Filetypes css in your .mako template:  <link href="/static/ext/css/hue-filetypes.css" rel="stylesheet"> and then define you icons with the same way you would do with Font Awesome.…

1 minute read - Development

03 February 2014

How to manage the Hue database with the shell

Last update on March 9 2016  First, backup the database. By default this is this SqlLite file: cp /var/lib/hue/desktop.db ~/ Then if using CM, export this variable in order to point to the correct database: HUE_CONF_DIR=/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/-hue-HUE_SERVER-id echo $HUE_CONF_DIR export HUE_CONF_DIR Where is the most recent ID in that process directory for hue-HUE_SERVER. A quick way to get the correct directory is to use this script: export HUE_CONF_DIR="/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/\`ls -alrt /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process | grep HUE | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}'\`"…

3 minutes read - Development

02 January 2014

A better PyGreSql support for Django

With the release of django-pygresql, the Hue team has taken a first stab at PyGreSQL support in Django! The ‘Why’ The open source world has many different kinds of licenses and it can be confusing to know which one makes sense for you. PyGreSQL is a PostgreSQL client with a permissible enough license that it can be packaged and shipped. The ‘How’ PyGreSQL has some minor differences from the provided postgresql backend.…

1 minute read - Development

08 November 2013

Integrate external Web applications in any language

Completed in Thailand, HUE-826 brings a new way to integrate external Web application into Hue. Java apps or already existing websites can now be shown as a Hue app with little effort.    For example, let’s integrate Tableau: To create a new app: build/env/bin/hue create_proxy_app my_hue tools/app_reg/ --install my_hue --relative-paths If you want to update the url later, change it in the ini: [my_hue] url= As usual feel free to comment on the hue-user list or @gethue!…

1 minute read - Development

10 October 2013

How to change or reset a forgotten password?

Hue is the web interface that improves the Apache Hadoop user experience. It’s a Django driven application and manages users accordingly. In this tutorial, we’ll be exploring the different options available for altering passwords in Hue using the default authentication backend (AllowFirstUserBackend). User Interface Users can change their passwords via the “” -> “Edit Profile” found in the top-right corner of Hue.If a user cannot remember their password, the Hue administrator can change it for them via the user manager.…

3 minutes read - Development

01 October 2013

Group Synchronization Backends in Hue

Hueis the turn-key solution for Apache Hadoop. It hides the complexity of the ecosystem including HDFS, Oozie, MapReduce, etc. Hue provides authentication and integrates with SAML, LDAP, and other systems. A new feature added in Hue is the ability to synchronize groups with a third party authority provider. In this blog post, we’ll be covering the basics of creating a Group Synchronization Backend.   The Design The purpose of the group synchronization backends are to keep Hue’s internal group lists fresh.…

3 minutes read - Development

25 September 2013

SSO with Hue: new SAML backend

A new SAML 2.0 backend is under development to provide a better authentication experience in Hue. Rather than signing in using Hue credentials, single sign-on (SSO) authentication can be achieved with this new backend. The Basics In SAML 2.0, there are 2 basic components: the Service Provider (SP) and Identity Provider (IdP). The typical flow from SP to IdP is made obvious in following image. SAML architecture from http://en.…

4 minutes read - Development

13 May 2013

Single sign-on in Hue with Twitter and OAuth

This post talks aboutHue, an open source web-based interface that makesApache Hadoop easier to use. Hue’s target is the Hadoop user experience and lets users focus on big data processing. In the previous posts we focused on some [new features][1] and how to quickly analyze your [data][2] with the Hive editor. This time, we are going to follow-up on Hue authentication mechanisms. We previously described a [list of backends][3] like LDAP, AllowAll (improved recently in the latest [2.…

4 minutes read - Development

07 May 2013

Executing Hive or Impala Queries with Python

This post talks about Hue, aUI for making Apache Hadoop easier to use. Hue uses a various set of interfaces for communicating with the Hadoop components. This post describes how Hue is implementing the Apache HiveServer2 Thrift API for executing Hive queries and listing tables. The same interface can also be used for talking to Cloudera Impala.   Hive This code requires Hue 2.3 or later in order to successfully work.…

4 minutes read - Development

More recent stories

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Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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03 May 2023
Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser
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