SQL Editor for Solr SQL

Published on 12 July 2016 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Hue already integrates with Apache Solr and provide Dynamic Search Dashboards. With the new SQL Editor of Hue 3.10, Hue opens up to any database, which is great as Solr 6 now provides a SQL interface.

Here is demo where we query a Solr collection like we would query a regular Hive or Impala table.



In the Editor


In the notebook



As Solr SQL is pretty recent, there are some caveats, notably Solr lacks support of:

  • SELECT *
  • WHERE close with a LIKE
  • resultset pagination

which prevents a SQL UX experience comparable to the standard other databases (but we track it in HUE-3686).


But we still hope that you play around with this new promising feature. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or on the hue-user list, Solr community or @gethue!

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