Articles & News

26 June 2024

Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation

Hello Everyone! Hue Editor, the open-source SQL Assistant for querying databases and data warehouses, is now extending its support to Trino. This integration marks a significant step in enhancing data mesh and SQL federation capabilities. What is Trino? Trino is a powerful tool for querying massive datasets, particularly useful for those dealing with terabytes or petabytes of data. Unlike traditional tools that rely on MapReduce jobs, Trino efficiently handles distributed queries across various data sources, including Hadoop's HDFS, relational databases, and NoSQL systems like Cassandra.…

2 minutes read - Version 5.0 / Trino

03 May 2023

Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser

Greetings, Ozone users! Hue officially supports browsing Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser. Hue can be set-up to seamlessly read and write to a configured Apache Ozone filesystem service, and users can directly query from and save data in it. Exploring the Ozone filesystem using Hue Apache Ozone is a highly scalable, distributed storage solution for analytics, big data, and cloud native applications. It is an efficient object store and optimized for filesystem operations.…

2 minutes read - Version 5.0 / Browsing

More recent stories

26 June 2024
Integrating Trino Editor in Hue: Supporting Data Mesh and SQL Federation
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03 May 2023
Discover the power of Apache Ozone using the Hue File Browser
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