Hue 2.2.0 – Feb 25th, 2013

Published on 25 February 2013 in Release - 1 minute read - Last modified on 04 February 2020
  • The Oozie application has been restyled completely and now supports Ajax refreshes
  • A Cloudera Impala app was added
  • Beeswax/Hive editor is more user friendly
  • FileBrowser was restyled and now includes bulk and recursive operations (e.g. multiple deletes)
  • JobBrowser is compatible with YARN and job logs can be accessed in one click
  • UserAdmin was restyled and LDAP integration was improved
  • MySql MyISAM and PostgreSQL are officially supported

Hue works best with Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop (CDH) version 4.2.

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