Export and import your Search dashboards

Published on 06 February 2015 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Update August 2015: It is not much easier to import or export your dashboards, it is the same interface as the Oozie workflows exporter.


Using Hue 3.8 or CDH5.4

20000013 is the id you can see in the URL of the dashboard. If you don't specify -pks it will export all your dashboards.

./build/env/bin/hue dumpdata search.Collection -indent 2 -pks=20000013 -natural > data.json

Using Hue 3.7 or less

./build/env/bin/hue dumpdata search -indent 2 > data.json



./build/env/bin/hue loaddata data.json


And that's it, the dashboards with the same IDs will be refreshed with the imported ones!



If using CM, export this variable in order to point to the correct database:




Where is the most recent ID in that process directory for hue-HUE_SERVER.


Have any questions? Feel free to contact us on hue-user or @gethue!

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