REST API for sending SQL queries and Browsing files

Published on 14 September 2020 in Version 4 / Development - 7 minutes read - Last modified on 13 August 2021 - Read in jp

Hi Data App Builders,

Are you looking at executing some SQL queries of Browsing S3 files programatically? (so that it can be automated for example)

Curling Hue API

The Hue development flow continues to mature (Docker Quick Start, improved CI, shareable Web Components…) and is now getting more help on how to reuse its API.


The REST API is not properly public yet and can (will) be simplified in the current work in progress HUE-1450.

Hue is Ajax based and has a REST API used by the browser to communicate (e.g. submit an SQL query, list some S3 files in a buck…) with the Hue server which will then perform the operation with the remote services. Currently this API is private and subject to change but can already be reused for prove of concepts until the proper public API is released.

In general we want to authenticate with a username and password, retrieve a cookie and CSRF token and provide them in the follow-up calls so that Hue knows who we are and won't block you.

The API documentation has been refreshed and list new endpoints.


You would need to GET the /accounts/login page to get the CSRF token and POST it back along username and password and reuse the sessionid cookie and CSRF token in the next communication calls.

Here we just ask for the page in order to get the tokens in the headers:

curl -i -X GET -o /dev/null -D -
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server: nginx/1.19.0
date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 20:43:47 GMT
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strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains

100  112k  100  112k    0     0   218k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  218k

It is important to note the csrftoken and sessionid values from the response:

set-cookie: csrftoken=XUFgN1WPZNlaJtBeBDtBvwzrOFqRXIaMlNJv4mdvsS2bIE2Lb8LRmCh5cPUBnBdk; expires=Mon, 13-Sep-2021 20:43:47 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/
set-cookie: sessionid=9cdltfee1q1zmt8b7slsjcomtxzgvgfz; expires=Mon, 14-Sep-2020 21:43:47 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=3600; Path=/

And then we can authenticate for real with the username and password credendials demo / demo:

curl -i -X POST -d 'username=demo&password=demo' -o /dev/null -D - --cookie "csrftoken=Jfd8BoJGQVYLZsBJkcw1TCXPPgkKHMtdDmRx7n3KGMQevXmmHTpn3pcnoLkzo9mD;sessionid=c4j5ewhvu1dm9f8jojbh049zyitse72j" -H "X-CSRFToken: Jfd8BoJGQVYLZsBJkcw1TCXPPgkKHMtdDmRx7n3KGMQevXmmHTpn3pcnoLkzo9mD"
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
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  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0HTTP/2 200
server: nginx/1.19.0
date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 20:53:59 GMT
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strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains

100    41  100    14  100    27     38     74 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   112

This time the cookie and CSRF tokens are the one that we will need for performing actual actions with the API. Here for example we list all the databases of the hive connector:

curl -X POST --data 'snippet={"type":"hive"}' --cookie "csrftoken=C5vyqWODpIZi1oCyeIWNrrdMimejy4KXDI3R22qq4Bc6emCzLRakqQ1KYwNbOH0q;sessionid=0ein2dkwb1g5fz29o2d75vx9t7uv33os" -H "X-CSRFToken: C5vyqWODpIZi1oCyeIWNrrdMimejy4KXDI3R22qq4Bc6emCzLRakqQ1KYwNbOH0q"

{"status": 0, "databases": ["a0817", "arunso", "ath", "athlete", "beingdatum_db", "bharath_practice", "chungu", "darth", "default", "demo", "diwakar", "emp", "hadooptest", "hebe", "hello", "hivedataset", "hivemap", "hivetesting", "hr_db", "icedb", "lib", "libdemo", "lti", "m", "m1", "movie", "movie1", "movielens", "mscda", "my_database", "mydb", "mydemo", "noo", "prizesh", "rajeev", "ram", "retail", "ruban", "sept9", "sept9_2020", "student", "test", "test21", "test123", "ticktick", "userdb", "vidu"]}

Note There is currently no error on bad authentication but instead a 302 redirect to the login page, e.g.:

[12/Sep/2020 10:12:44 -0700] middleware   INFO     Redirecting to login page: /hue/useradmin/users/edit/romain
[12/Sep/2020 10:12:44 -0700] access       INFO -anon- - "POST /hue/useradmin/users/edit/romain HTTP/1.1" - (mem: 169mb)-- login redirection
[12/Sep/2020 10:12:44 -0700] access       INFO -anon- - "POST /hue/useradmin/users/edit/romain HTTP/1.1" returned in 0ms 302 0 (mem: 169mb)

Note The public API should be simpler with only one POST call and will return back only one token

SQL Querying

Now that we are logged-in, here is how to execute a SHOW TABLES SQL query via the hive connector. You could repeat the steps with any query you want, e.g. SELECT * FROM web_logs LIMIT 100.

Until Editor v2 is out HUE-8768, the API is pretty complicated but still functional:

For a SHOW TABLES, first we send the query statement:

curl -X POST --data 'executable={"statement":"SHOW TABLES","database":"default"}&notebook={"type":"query","snippets":[{"id":1,"statement_raw":"SHOW TABLES","type":"hive","variables":[]}],"name":"","isSaved":false,"sessions":[]}&snippet={"id":1,"type":"hive","result":{},"statement":"SHOW TABLES","properties":{}}' --cookie "csrftoken=lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3;sessionid=5msr9s45o4emem1zt009kw64ni6uso3e" -H "X-CSRFToken: lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3"

{"status": 0, "history_id": 17880, "handle": {"statement_id": 0, "session_type": "hive", "has_more_statements": false, "guid": "EUI32vrfTkSOBXET6Eaa+A==\n", "previous_statement_hash": "3070952e55d733fb5bef249277fb8674989e40b6f86c5cc8b39cc415", "log_context": null, "statements_count": 1, "end": {"column": 10, "row": 0}, "session_id": 63, "start": {"column": 0, "row": 0}, "secret": "RuiF0LEkRn+Yok/gjXWSqg==\n", "has_result_set": true, "session_guid": "c845bb7688dca140:859a5024fb284ba2", "statement": "SHOW TABLES", "operation_type": 0, "modified_row_count": null}, "history_uuid": "63ce87ba-ca0f-4653-8aeb-e9f5c1781b78"}

Then check the operation status until it is available for fetching its result:

curl -X POST --data 'notebook={"type":"hive"}&snippet={"history_id": 17886,"type":"hive","result":{"handle":{"guid": "0J6PwGcSQaCJjagzYUBHzA==\n","secret": "uiP3IS4fR/mxkLJER5wRCg==\n","has_result_set": true}},"status":""}' --cookie "csrftoken=lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3;sessionid=5msr9s45o4emem1zt009kw64ni6uso3e" -H "X-CSRFToken: lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3"

{"status": 0, "query_status": {"status": "available", "has_result_set": true}}

And now ask for the resultset of the statement:

curl -X POST --data 'notebook={"type":"hive"}&snippet={"history_id": 17886,"type":"hive","result":{"handle":{"guid": "0J6PwGcSQaCJjagzYUBHzA==\n","secret": "uiP3IS4fR/mxkLJER5wRCg==\n","has_result_set": true}},"status":""}' --cookie "csrftoken=lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3;sessionid=5msr9s45o4emem1zt009kw64ni6uso3e" -H "X-CSRFToken: lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3"

{"status": 0, "result": {"has_more": true, "type": "table", "meta": [{"comment": "from deserializer", "type": "STRING_TYPE", "name": "tab_name"}], "data": [["adavi"], ["adavi1"], ["adavi2"], ["ambs_feed"], ["apx_adv_deduction_data_process_total"], ["avro_table"], ["avro_table1"], ["bb"], ["bharath_info1"], ["bucknew"], ["bucknew1"], ["chungu"], ["cricket3"], ["cricket4"], ["cricket5_view"], ["cricketer"], ["cricketer_view"], ["cricketer_view1"], ["demo1"], ["demo12345"], ["dummy"], ["embedded"], ["emp"], ["emp1_sept9"], ["emp_details"], ["emp_sept"], ["emp_tbl1"], ["emp_tbl2"], ["empdtls"], ["empdtls_ext"], ["empdtls_ext_v2"], ["employee"], ["employee1"], ["employee_ins"], ["empppp"], ["events"], ["final"], ["flight_data"], ["gopalbhar"], ["guruhive_internaltable"], ["hell"], ["info1"], ["lost_messages"], ["mnewmyak"], ["mortality"], ["mscda"], ["myak"], ["mysample"], ["mysample1"], ["mysample2"], ["network"], ["ods_t_exch_recv_rel_wfz_stat_szy"], ["olympicdata"], ["p_table"], ["partition_cricket"], ["partitioned_user"], ["s"], ["sample"], ["sample_07"], ["sample_08"], ["score"], ["stg_t_exch_recv_rel_wfz_stat_szy"], ["stocks"], ["students"], ["studentscores"], ["studentscores2"], ["t1"], ["table_name"], ["tablex"], ["tabley"], ["temp"], ["test1"], ["test2"], ["test21"], ["test_info"], ["topage"], ["txnrecords"], ["u_data"], ["udata"], ["user_session"], ["user_test"], ["v_empdtls"], ["v_empdtls_ext"], ["v_empdtls_ext_v2"], ["web_logs"]], "isEscaped": true}}

And if we wanted to get the execution log for this statement:

curl -X POST --data 'notebook={"type":"hive","sessions":[]}&snippet={"history_id": 17886,"type":"hive","result":{"handle":{"guid": "0J6PwGcSQaCJjagzYUBHzA==\n","secret": "uiP3IS4fR/mxkLJER5wRCg==\n","has_result_set": true}},"status":"","properties":{},"sessions":[]}' --cookie "csrftoken=lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3;sessionid=5msr9s45o4emem1zt009kw64ni6uso3e" -H "X-CSRFToken: lFpBt6uaa8isgjIthEFZdUbofKPI7wJaXpWS0q54YKORs8zWvKgvrKzwUnTjsFt3"

{"status": 0, "progress": 5, "jobs": [], "logs": "", "isFullLogs": false}

File Browsing

Hue's File Browser offer uploads, downloads and listing of data in HDFS, S3, ADLS storages.

Here is how to list the content of a path, here the S3 bucket s3a://demo-gethue:

curl -X GET "" --cookie "csrftoken=oT8C5cQCbmpuoKcUZ2YaxybfLhtRShEO9UcvRWetx4HVatLuf6qicgJnbEHxfJNI;sessionid=nkblu68xfofabfsjctdwseaubfbkiwlg" -H "X-CSRFToken: oT8C5cQCbmpuoKcUZ2YaxybfLhtRShEO9UcvRWetx4HVatLuf6qicgJnbEHxfJNI"

  "files": [
  "humansize": "0\u00a0bytes",
  "url": "/filebrowser/view=s3a%3A%2F%2Fdemo-hue",
  "stats": {
  "size": 0,
  "aclBit": false,
  "group": "",
  "user": "",
  "mtime": null,
  "path": "s3a://demo-gethue",
  "atime": null,
  "mode": 16895
  "name": "demo-hue",
  "mtime": "",
  "rwx": "drwxrwxrwx",
  "path": "s3a://demo-gethue",
  "is_sentry_managed": false,
  "type": "dir",
  "mode": "40777"
  "humansize": "0\u00a0bytes",
  "url": "/filebrowser/view=S3A%3A%2F%2F",
  "stats": {
  "size": 0,
  "aclBit": false,
  "group": "",
  "user": "",
  "mtime": null,
  "path": "S3A://",
  "atime": null,
  "mode": 16895
  "name": ".",
  "mtime": "",
  "rwx": "drwxrwxrwx",
  "path": "S3A://",
  "is_sentry_managed": false,
  "type": "dir",
  "mode": "40777"

How to get the file content and its metadata. Here with the public file of s3a://demo-gethue/data/web_logs/index_data.csv:

Note It needs the XMLHttpRequest header to return the data in json:

curl  -X GET "" --cookie "csrftoken=oT8C5cQCbmpuoKcUZ2YaxybfLhtRShEO9UcvRWetx4HVatLuf6qicgJnbEHxfJNI;sessionid=nkblu68xfofabfsjctdwseaubfbkiwlg" -H "X-CSRFToken: oT8C5cQCbmpuoKcUZ2YaxybfLhtRShEO9UcvRWetx4HVatLuf6qicgJnbEHxfJNI" -H "X-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest"

  "show_download_button": true,
  "is_embeddable": false,
  "editable": false,
  "mtime": "October 31, 2016 03:34 PM",
  "rwx": "-rw-rw-rw-",
  "path": "s3a://demo-gethue/data/web_logs/index_data.csv",
  "stats": {
  "size": 6199593,
  "aclBit": false,
  "contents": "code,protocol,request,app,user_agent_major,region_code,country_code,id,city,subapp,latitude,method,client_ip,  user_agent_family,bytes,referer,country_name,extension,url,os_major,longitude,device_family,record,user_agent,time,os_family,country_code3
    200,HTTP/1.1,GET /metastore/table/default/sample_07 HTTP/1.1,metastore,,00,SG,8836e6ce-9a21-449f-a372-9e57641389b3,Singapore,table,1.2931000000000097,GET,,Other,1041,-,Singapore,,/metastore/table/default/sample_07,,103.85579999999999,Other," - - [04/May/2014:06:35:49 +0000] ""GET /metastore/table/default/sample_07 HTTP/1.1"" 200 1041 ""-"" ""Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/3.0.1; +""
    ",Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/3.0.1; +,2014-05-04T06:35:49Z,Other,SGP
    200,HTTP/1.1,GET /metastore/table/default/sample_07 HTTP/1.1,metastore,,00,SG,6ddf6e38-7b83-423c-8873-39842dca2dbb,Singapore,table,1.2931000000000097,GET,,Other,1041,-,Singapore,,/metastore/table/default/sample_07,,103.85579999999999,Other," - - [04/May/2014:06:35:50 +0000] ""GET /metastore/table/default/sample_07 HTTP/1.1"" 200 1041 ""-"" ""Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/3.0.1; +""
    ",Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/3.0.1; +,2014-05-04T06:35:50Z,Other,SGP

And that's it! The next iterations will make the API simpler with less parameters and versioning.

Any feedback or question? Feel free to comment here or on the Forum and quick start SQL querying!


Romain from the Hue Team

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