Using Hadoop MR2 and YARN with an alternative Job Browser interface

Published on 13 January 2014 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Hue now defaults to using Yarn since version 3.


First, it is a bit simpler to configure Hue with MR2 than in MR1 as Hue does not need to use the Job Tracker plugin since Yarn provides a REST API. Yarn is also going to provide an equivalent of Job Tracker HA with YARN-149.

Here is how to configure the clusters in hue.ini. Mainly, if you are using a pseudo distributed cluster it will work by default. If not, you will just need to update all the localhost to the hostnames of the Resource Manager and History Server:



\# Configuration for YARN (MR2)

\# ------------------------



\# Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager


\# The port where the ResourceManager IPC listens on


\# Whether to submit jobs to this cluster


\# URL of the ResourceManager API


\# URL of the ProxyServer API


\# URL of the HistoryServer API


\# Configuration for MapReduce (MR1)

\# ------------------------



\# Whether to submit jobs to this cluster


And that’s it! You can now look at jobs in Job Browser, get logs and submit jobs to Yarn!


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