Quick Start a Hue development environment in 3 minutes with Docker

Published on 24 July 2019 in Version 4 - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Looking at simplifying the usage of Databases and Datawarehouses or learning how to build Cloud webapps? Hue would be a great candidate for you!

Typically the development is made natively but here is a new way to quickly get started with Docker:

git clone https://github.com/cloudera/hue.git

cd hue

cp desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini.tmpl desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini

Then edit the [[database]] section to specify a proper database, here MySql:

host= # Not localhost if Docker

Then map the local Hue source code into the running container (so that local edits are seen in the running Hue):

sudo docker run -it -v $PWD/apps:/usr/share/hue/apps -v $PWD/desktop:/usr/share/hue/desktop -v $PWD/desktop/conf/pseudo-distributed.ini:/usr/share/hue/desktop/conf/z-hue.ini --network="host" gethue/hue

And open-up!

Note: code updates won’t be seen after the Docker container runs. For this Hue would need to be started in dev server mode by replacing the line by

./build/env/bin/hue runserver

and it will auto-restart on Python code changes. For JavaScript, those would need to be compiled.


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