In the upcoming Hue 3.8, Oozie Dashboard just got several improvements making them and their navigation even more intuitive (for the Editor revamp, see this). Here is a video demo that sums them up:
New Oozie features
In Workflow dashboard:
- Job parent column (parent can be nothing or a workflow or a coordinator)
- Job parent “Submitted by” filter
- Navigate to Sub-Workflow action and editor pages from a submitted workflow graph
- Navigate to parent Job from an action/workflow in a submitted Workflow
- Update end time of running Coordinator
Next !
A lot more is coming up:
- Faster log retrieval
- Live graph display of any running Workflow
- Smarter file symlinking in Workflow action
- Coordinator actions pagination
and rebasing the workflow dashboard on the editor is being evaluated. Stay tuned!
As usual feel free to comment on the hue-user list or @gethue!