When going on the Home page (/home) in Hue 3.0, this error could appear:
MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one DocumentPermission - it returned 2! Lookup parameters were {'perms': 'read', 'doc': <Document: saved query Sample: Job loss sample>}
This is fixed in Hue 3.6 and here is a way to repair it:
Backup the Hue database.
Run the cleanup script:
from desktop.models import DocumentPermission, Document
for document in Document.objects.all(): try: perm, created = DocumentPermission.objects.get_or_create(doc=document, perms=DocumentPermission.READ_PERM) except DocumentPermission.MultipleObjectsReturned: # We can delete duplicate perms of a document dups = DocumentPermission.objects.filter(doc=document, perms=DocumentPermission.READ_PERM) perm = dups[0] for dup in dups[1:]: print(‘Deleting duplicate %s’ % dup) dup.delete()