Demo: HDFS File Operations Made Easy with Hue

Published on 01 March 2013 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 19 April 2021

Managing and viewing data in HDFS is an important part of Big Data analytics. Hue, the open source web-based interface that makes Apache Hadoop easier to use, helps you do that through a GUI in your browser —  instead of logging into a Hadoop gateway host with a terminal program and using the command line.

The first episode in a new series of Hue demos, the video below demonstrates how to get up and running quickly with HDFS file operations via Hue’s File Browser application.

Other Features

In addition to the above scenario, File Browser lets you perform more advanced file operations:

  • Download
  • Rename
  • Move
  • Copy
  • Recursive change of permissions
  • Recursive change of ownership
  • Sort by attributes (e.g. name, size, date…)
  • View content of zip/gz text
  • View content of huge files
  • Drag & drop files to upload

What’s Next?

Thanks to File Browser, file operations in HDFS are only a few clicks away. Hue’s other apps leverage the File Browser as well and offer direct links to the outputs of your MapReduce jobs, Hive queries, or Pig scripts so that you can share or take a glance/visualize in no time.

Thank you for watching, and stay tuned for upcoming episodes! Feel free to ask questions in comments or via the Hue group.

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