Quick Task: Restrict Number of Concurrent Sessions Per User

Published on 26 March 2019 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021

Hue administrators can restrict the number of concurrent sessions per user. The default value is 0 to represent no restrictions. In that case, a user can have as many simultaneous Hue sessions, i.e. logins, as he wishes. For security purposes, this can be restricted. When it is, normally the concurrent_user_session_limit is set to 1.




When concurrent_user_session_limit is set to 1 any session, i.e. on a different machine or browser, in excess of 1 is removed by eldest. If a user gets logged out automatically, then he or she can assume somebody else is logging in as his/her credential on a different machine.


  • Most of the browsers for example Chrome is sharing the same session between windows or tabs.
  • This feature is not for restricting how many queries user can submit to Hive/Impala. Instead, they should set the Hive/YARN and Impala resource management pools properly (at the query engine, not the clients like Hue).

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