Hue 4.2 and its Self Service BI improvements are out!

Published on 04 April 2018 in Version 4 / Release - 2 minutes read - Last modified on 05 June 2023

Hi Big Data Explorers,


The Hue Team is glad to thanks all the contributors and release Hue 4.2! 

Last Hue version compatible with Python 2.6, next will be 2.7 only as a major upgrade is coming next.

The focus of this release was to keep making progress on the self service BI theme and prepare the ground for next release that will include an upgraded backend and a revamped Dashboard and more improvements to the Data Catalog and Query Assistance.

This release comes with 1200 commits and 500+ bug fixes! Go grab the tarball and give it a spin!


Here is a list of the main improvements. For all the changes, check out the release notes and for a quick try open-up


3 main areas of focus


  • ADLS Browser
  • Analytic DB

  • Top Search UX
  • SQL Syntax checker
  • Impala Query Browser
  • Supportability

  • SAML update
  • Documentation revamp
  • Metric page


    ADLS Browser (similar to HFS & S3 Browser)

  • Exploring ADLS in file browser
  • Create Hive Tables Directly From ADLS
  • Save Query Results to ADLS
  • Analytical DB

    Data Catalog Search

  • Available in the top bar
  • Since 5.11 but getting simpler
  • Search Tables, Columns and Saved queries
  • Example of searches:

  • table:customer → Find the customer table
  • table:tax* tags:finance → List all the tables starting with tax and tagged with ‘finance’

    Syntax Checker

    • Warn before executing
    • Can suggest simple fix


    Impala Query Browser

    Goal: built-in Troubleshooting for:

    • Queries
    • Profiles
    • Plans
    • Memory

    Read more in this blog post.




    Apache Solr dynamic Dashboards:

  • Dashboard autocomplete
  • More Like This
  • Collection page


  • SAML update (with idle session fix)
  • Documentation revamp
  • Thread page
  • Bug fixes
    • UX improvements (document listing, opening back query history scroll, CTRL+Z...)
    • Performances (concurrency, file downloads, query timeouts)
    • Support multi-authentication with LDAP
    • YARN "Diagnostics" info in Job Browser
    • Option to disable concurrent user sessions "concurrent_user_session_limit"
    • Rebalance user on log out
    • Editor grid result not correctly aligned when browser zoom is not 100%
    • ...

    Demo use case: Customer 360

    In this Self Service analytics Customer 360 demo we use the Editor to query credit card transaction data that is saved in an object store in the cloud (here S3) and in a Kudu table. The demos leverages the Data Catalog search and tagging as well as the Query Assistant.



    As usual thank you to all the project contributors and for sending feedback and participating on the hue-user list or @gethue!

    p.s.: in case the Dropbox link doesn't work on the network you are currently in, here's a mirror of the release.


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