See how beautiful Hadoop can be, live demo Hadoop directly from your Browser!

Published on 07 April 2014 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021 - Read in jp

Hi Data Crunchers, offers a live demo of a complete Hadoop cluster (CDH5)! No need to download a virtual machine or install any software, just click once!

The interface is based on Hue and its pre-packaged sets of examples:

More is available, like HDFS, Hive SQL and Hive Tables, Oozie, Pig, YARN MR2, Sqoop2, Spark and ZooKeeper.

We are using AWS for the hosting and Cloudera Manager to install the latest CDH5 release. We demo how we did it in the Get your own Hadoop cluster in 10 minutes post! Now you can reproduce it and get started with your real Hadoop cluster!

This is the first version of the live demo, more sophisticated examples are on the way!

Play with the Live Demo now!

We hope that you will like it and you will see the potential of Hue and CDH5 in no time.

As usual feel free to comment on the hue-user list, @gethue or by clicking on the feedback label in the demo!

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