Create Hive tables with headers and load quoted CSV data

Published on 27 November 2013 in - 1 minute read - Last modified on 06 March 2021 - Read in jp

Hue makes it easy to create Hive tables.

With HUE-1746, Hue guesses the columns names and types (int, string, float…) directly by looking at your data. If your data starts with a header, this one will automatically be used and skipped while creating the table.

Quoted CSV fields are also compatible thanks to HUE-1747.

Here is the data file used:


This is the SerDe for reading quoted CSV:


And the command to switch the SerDe used by the table:

ALTER TABLE banks SET SERDE 'com.bizo.hive.serde.csv.CSVSerde'

Now go analyze the data with the Hive, Impala or Pig editors!

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